Blog - Isos Technology

Isos Technology's Latest Pledge 1% Initiative

Written by Desi Byers | Sep 27, 2022

As I write this blog, I cannot believe we are approaching fall already! As I reflect on this year, one of the highlights has been our participation in Pledge 1%, a global movement that inspires, educates, and empowers companies like ours to be a force for good. 

Isos Technology's most recent Pledge 1% activity was hosting an Agile Lunch & Learn at our headquarters for Hope High School, a Blueprint Education charter school in Phoenix, Arizona. Hope High School uses scrum and agile to transform the lives of disadvantaged youth. We love working with Blueprint Education and really believe in their mission to "inspire students to make better choices and be champions of their own learning in an alternative, non-traditional school environment."

For this event, Isos Technology's CEO Thad West, and Director of Agile Services Tracy Walton, met with students from the school and discussed being your own best advocate, and how the path to success is a journey with a lot of detours (as well as wrong turns). The students were given time to share and ask questions, then received an office tour and some sweet Isos swag. 

This was our second time hosting an Agile Lunch & Learn, and each time it feels like a significant step in helping these students feel heard, and giving them a taste of what working in the technology industry is like.

In addition to the in-person event, we have a link to donate to Blueprint Education, and we're encouraging donations of any size. Isos Technology will match the total amount raised(!!!) and continue providing educational opportunities to help inspire these students towards a rewarding and purposeful future.