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Going Big: How Enterprise Services Can Help Your Company Grow

Written by Jay Louvis | Apr 26, 2022

As companies grow, traditional Managed Services models often fail to meet their needs. Increasing monthly resource allocation and budget can help, but that doesn't account for the variety of services and skills needed to support the business. You need both experienced, strategic guidance and hands-on daily support to keep the lights running. Above all, you want to ensure you are getting value from your services investment. There are several factors to consider for businesses at this stage:

Demand: Growing companies need more employees and more employees means more demand for support. In an ideal world you can plan ahead for this and it's all linear, but that reality rarely plays out. Demand can also fluctuate month by month or quarter by quarter depending on business priorities, so it's not just about volume, it's about consistency. You need a solution that is flexible enough to manage the ebb and flow without adding unplanned costs.

Customized Service: Nobody wants to be sold a cookie-cutter service offering that's rigid and limited in scope, and this is especially true for enterprise level businesses. Services at scale are expensive, and you want to know that what you're paying for is specific to the needs of your company to maximize value and help you succeed. This means having access to a wide variety of skilled resources, both in terms of technical knowledge and overall experience. You don't want highly skilled resources working daily support queues, and you don't want junior resources advising leadership on best practices. 

Ownership: As companies grow, the number of tools, processes, and systems that need ownership grow too. Successful organizations create the space and time for their employees to focus on priorities and drive results, so clear ownership is key. Ensuring you have a service partner that can fully own their assignment is critical to this structure. This means the vendor has the depth and breadth of specialized knowledge to cover your needs, along with dedicated and fully engaged resources.

Strategic Partnership: Services at scale need to do more than just keep the lights on. They need to help the company improve and innovate to increase efficiency and drive value. You need a partner that is invested in your success on a strategic level to engage leadership, ask the right questions, and provide guidance so you can proactively address needs and squash problems before they impact your business.

Does any of this ring true for you? Do you see your company at this point or well on its way to being there? If so, it might be time to look at upping your services game. Isos can fill that need for support of your business strategy and your Atlassian tools. Take a look at our Enterprise Services program and get in touch to learn more!