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Read the Forrester Study: The Total Economic Impact of Atlassian Jira Service Management

Written by Isos Technology | Feb 28, 2023

The workplace has changed dramatically in the past few years. More companies have embraced remote work, while seeking to streamline processes so that they can do more with less. They need IT, operations, and service delivery teams to deliver better service experiences, faster. To meet this demand, companies need a true enterprise solution that is fast and flexible, and supports visibility and collaboration, a solution like Atlassian Jira Service Management.

Recently, Atlassian commissioned Forrester to conduct a quantitative study of how companies can benefit logistically and economically from implementing Jira Service Management, and how quickly they can see a return on their investment. The results were clear: The Total Economic Impact of Atlassian Jira Service Management demonstrates how one company* was able to achieve an ROI of 277%, economic benefits of $4.19M over three years, with a payback period for their upfront investment of just six months.

About the Study

The study was designed to help organizations better understand the potential return on investment (ROI) of implementing Jira Service Management, Atlassian’s ITSM solution. Forrester interviewed nine people at six different companies who had done just that, then developed a composite organization based on aggregate data.

The study assumed the composite organization had 10,000 employees and $2B in annual revenue. In keeping with the goals of the companies that participated in the study, the goals of the composite organization included: streamlining and automating service processes, consolidating their service management tech stack to a single enterprise-wide solution, and increasing service visibility and the volume of reporting across the organization. Additionally, improving their end-user experience and realizing the benefits of a cloud deployment, including a lower maintenance cost of a prior solution are all potential benefits of using JSM.

Key Findings:

The study found that the composite organization was able to achieve ROI of 277%, economic benefits of $4.19M over three years, and a payback period of six months. In addition, the composite company saw a 10% reduction in service requests and a 15% decrease in resolution time, while the IT operations team saved 115 hours monthly and the engineering team saved 167 hours monthly.

The economic benefits primarily came from the following areas:

  • Cost savings from retired solutions – 2.0M
    Savings came from licensing fees, time and labor managing solutions, and related services fees.
  • Improved service desk productivity – $1.4M
    Savings came from self-service, improved ticket tracking, and faster ticket handling and resolution, for both IT and business teams.
  • Improved end-user productivity – $407.5K
    Savings came from the easy-to-use interface, faster ticket resolution, improved request visibility, and self-service, which saved employees 5 minutes per request.
  • Improved engineer and decision maker productivity - $152.2K
    Savings came from automation and self-service, as well as improved visibility and communications driven by a single platform for operations and engineering.
  • IT cost efficiencies - $113.5K
    Savings came from better visibility into asset and change management which improved decision making around expenditures.
  • Improved IT operations productivity - $74.1K
    Savings came from improved visibility and collaboration and streamlined incident management, which came about due to the integration between Jira Service Management and Jira Software.

Unquantified Benefits

The composite organization also saw significant benefits that were not quantified as part of the study. These include improved cross-functional alignment; enhanced employee and customer experience; avoidance of lost revenue from being offline; clearer reporting around timelines and team performance; increased business team productivity ; improved stability and scalability; and more confidence around data security and compliance with GDPR.

Download the Report

Interested in learning more about Jira Service Management and its economic benefits? Download the Forrester report: The Total Economic Impact of Atlassian Jira Service Management.

*Company reflects a composite organization based on interviews with six different Jira Service Management customers.