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Strategies for Successful Migration from Legacy ITSM Solutions to Jira Service Management

Written by Isos Technology | Jul 24, 2023

Virtually all companies will agree that an ITSM solution is essential technology infrastructure. Yet many of these same companies struggle with their solution of choice. Some organizations have invested in a solution that is overly rigid and complex: the solution dictates processes that the organization has to follow that don’t meet the company's needs; it’s too difficult to set up the functionality needed; or the user interface is poor so it never gains strong adoption by employees and customers. For other companies, its ITSM solution of choice is disconnected from tools that the rest of its organization uses–Jira Software, for example–and this limits the ability of cross-functional teams to collaborate around critical practices like incident management. Still, other companies find their solution isn’t robust enough. It simply can’t do all the things users need it to do.

Despite these challenges, for many companies, the thought of migrating to a more modern, flexible solution like Jira Service Management is so daunting that they continue to struggle with legacy solutions. Day in and day out, users endure the frustrations and inefficiencies that come with an ineffective, overly complex, and often quite costly ITSM solution. We hear from our customers that one of their biggest concerns is around data–how will they bring it all over? It’s a good question, one with a broad range of answers that we will explore in this whitepaper. And while it does have an impact on the complexity and length of time needed to migrate, we can firmly say that it is a resolvable issue. The effort to migrate is worth not continuing to struggle with your current solution.

In this whitepaper, we will explore the primary reasons companies migrate, how to rethink processes during migration, key considerations when working with an Atlassian Solution Partner, and specific examples of successful migrations to Jira Service Management.


What You’ll Learn:

  • What is ITSM and why is it important
  • Common challenges faced by organizations with their ITSM solution
  • The benefits of modern ITSM solutions like Jira Service Management
  • How to successfully implement a modern ITSM solution with the right partner
  • And much more! 


Don't miss out on this informative whitepaper!