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The biggest trends in Enterprise Service Management (ESM) for 2024

Written by Isos Technology | Aug 15, 2024

As we sail through the back half of 2024, we wanted to highlight some of the most interesting trends in the Enterprise Service Management (ESM) / IT Service Management (ITSM) Landscape. Like the rest of our technology sector, we’re brimming with innovation this year, all spearheaded by our favorite buzzword, AI.

1. The Rise of AI and Automation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation are revolutionizing the ITSM space. From chatbots like Atlassians’s Rovo, and enterprise grade search that indexes your entire company’s data lake and plugs it into an algorithm, AI is becoming indispensable. 

AI’s role is not just about replacing tasks, but also about optimizing the time our IT staff spends on more sophisticated work. Combining the two (AI and people), we’re ensuring high-quality service delivery at speed. 

2. Focus on Sustainability

Sustainability is becoming more and more important in the B2C world, with various studies showing that consumers will both prioritize and spend more with companies that prioritize sustainability. This is a marked change over the last 5 years, where studies from 2019 and earlier showed a preference for sustainable companies, but not a spending correlation. 

Our customers care more than ever about sustainability in their life outside of work, which means they will naturally care about the companies they work for making good choices for the planet. IT Operations has the opportunity not only to meet the needs of the customers they serve but also to improve their bottom line by reducing costs and meeting regulatory requirements.

3. Enhanced User Experience

The push for a seamless and intuitive user experience continues to grow as customers expect frictionless interactions from service providers. Similar to the sustainability category, end-users expect the same ease of use from their work software as they do from their personal apps. This means ITSM tools need to be user-friendly, accessible, and efficient.

This means not a friendly, easy-to-use experience, but also tools that do not require the user to re-enter obvious information, and various forms of synchronization between a ticketing system, the chat system, and email. 

4. Value Creation Over Processes

In ITIL v4, one of the biggest new focuses is on how services and service providers create value. Creating value is all about understanding what the customer needs and what is important to them at any given time, as opposed to just providing a standard, static service. 

The idea of focusing on value is focusing on the “why” before the “how”. This shift represents a prioritization away from just ticking a box, and instead making more meaningful contributions to the business. 


The ITSM field is evolving rapidly, driven by technological advancements and a growing emphasis on AI, sustainability, user experience, and value creation. Staying ahead of these trends will ensure your IT operations are not only efficient but also future-proof.

Remember, in the world of ESM, change is the only constant. So, stay curious, keep learning, and don’t be afraid to embrace new ways of thinking. And if all else fails, just blame it on AI!

For more detailed insights, please feel free to reach out to us directly at Isos and I’d be happy to have a conversation with you. Also, please find various sources and other blogs: