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The Isos Technology ESM Maturity Model—A Proven Path to Take Your ITSM Practices to the Next Level

Written by Isos Technology | Jul 30, 2024

Of the thousands of companies of all sizes that we’ve worked with here at Isos Technology, no two are alike. But when it comes to implementing, optimizing, and scaling Jira Service Management (JSM), three things consistently hold true...

  • We can get a deeper understanding of your challenges, and you can make better decisions with a more holistic view of the service management ecosystem.
  • You’re all looking to right-size your ITSM solution and your investment. You need it to help solve critical business problems, but you don’t need to be bogged down with or pay for technology you’re not currently or ever going to use.
  • You want a solid, stable ITSM foundation that will scale with your company as you grow—and even extend into other service areas outside of IT if and when needed. 

That’s why we’ve developed the Isos Technology Enterprise Service Management (ESM) Maturity Model. It’s a quick, visual way to understand the totality of the ESM landscape so that we can talk about where you are, where you want to go, and how to get there.

Wait, Is this an ESM or ITSM Maturity Model?

Great question—we’re so glad you asked! 

Atlassian solutions are designed for ALL teams across the enterprise, not just IT teams. The great thing about JSM is that it works so well for any area of the business that delivers services, facilities, finance, human resources, legal, marketing, etc. By calling this the ESM Maturity Model rather than an ITSM Maturity Model, we’re acknowledging that part of maturing your ITSM ecosystem is extending it to other areas, whether you're a small- to medium-sized company or operating at an enterprise scale.

The Isos Technology ESM Maturity Model

Take a look at the Isos ESM Maturity Model below and see where your organization ranks on it.

Not only is the ESM Maturity Model a handy tool for us to have meaningful conversations with you about where you are and what’s stopping you from getting where you want to be, but we also hear that it’s an excellent way for you to have productive discussions internally. Once everyone is on the same page, we can work together to plan for healthy, sustainable growth that will make a big difference in your business.

The Direct Route Isn’t Always the Best

Remember that getting to where you want or need to go is only sometimes a direct route and you may need to put some new practices in place and strengthen your technology foundation to support them to get there. For example, it’s not unusual for a company to come to us and say, “We’re struggling with change management. We’d like to automate more of the process and connect the DevOps team with the ITSM team more closely so they can work together to solve issues that are coming up.”

That’s a smart goal and achievable, but you might need to optimize your ticketing system to get it working. You might also need to look at your incident management processes and make sure they support your goals. Even more upstream, you may need to dig into why you’re having so many issues. (Our team can help with that, too.)

The goal isn’t to get to a four in every area; it's to continuously optimize and improve in the areas you need so that you have a solution that works for you now and can scale to meet your needs tomorrow.

Considering Migrating to JSM? Here’s How the ESM Maturity Model Can Help

If you’re using ServiceNow or any other ESM or ITSM solution, and you’re considering migrating to JSM, the ESM Maturity Model is a great way to compare solutions, talk with people internally about why you want to make the switch, and plan a realistic migration and optimization path that will move the needle for your organization.

Here are some things to consider:

  • Does your current solution have all the capabilities that JSM does—like service, change, incident, asset, knowledge, and problem management? If it has some of this, is it all baked into one solution at a single cost, or do you have to buy it separately and/or integrate it?

  • Can business teams within your company use the same solution to deliver services? Some other ITSM solutions, like ServiceNow, have departmental functionality, but they must be purchased separately and integrated. With JSM, everyone uses the same solution, and departmental templates are built in (or they can create their own) so teams can truly collaborate.

  • Does your current solution have a proven path for maturing your practices?
With JSM, it’s straightforward to stand up an MVP, and the ESM Maturity Model provides a proven path for advancing your practices in a logical and scalable way. 


Take the Next Step!

If you’re looking to level up your use of JSM or migrate to JSM from another solution like ServiceNow, contact us today

We’d be happy to talk to you about where you are on the ESM journey, where you’d like to be, and the best way to get you there.