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Measuring Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) with Jira Service Desk

Written by Amanda Kirk | May 14, 2020

Atlassian created some easy-to-use and built-in features to solicit customer feedback within Jira Service Desk (JSD). As an example, as of today, Jira Service Desk provides the following features for customer feedback:

  • Simple customer workflows to provide feedback on resolved issues
  • Customer satisfaction scores are visible within resolved issues and on agent queues for resolved issues
  • Single-click to view customer satisfaction reports for a service desk project
  • Easy creation and viewing of custom reports and trend graphs, based on satisfaction scores

In this blog, we will show you how to collect and report on customer feedback, getting those CSAT scores you need from Jira Service Desk seamlessly! 


Measuring Customer Satisfaction

First up, how do you begin to start measuring customer satisfaction in your JSD project? Well, it's as simple as enabling the feature in your project settings as shown below:


As you can see, you can edit the Question phrase to suit your service desk environment. This phrase appears in the notification email the customer receives upon request completion. This notification will contain a satisfaction rating scale. Customers can click the rating scale to indicate their level of satisfaction, as shown below:


After that, a confirmation page is automatically opened in a browser on the customer portal, where they can change the rating, and optionally provide any additional comments that they would like to leave.


Checking Out Your CSAT Scores

There are a couple of ways to view the resulting CSAT scores for your project in Jira Service Desk.

  1. Issue View - If you simply view the issue that was resolved, you can see the CSAT score as shown below in the Customer satisfaction section:
  2. Queue View - If you view your Recently Resolved queue, or any queue for that matter, as long as Customer Satisfaction is chosen as a visible column in the queue  you can see the CSAT scores for the resolved issues in that queue, as shown below:
  3. Customer Satisfaction Report - Service desk project administrators and agents can view the default Satisfaction report, which displays the average customer satisfaction scores for the team. It also allows you to drill into specific issues or change the time range for the report, as shown below:


Reporting on CSAT

As mentioned above, one place you can view CSAT results is in the Customer Satisfaction Report that comes as a default with any JSD project. It displays the average customer satisfaction scores for the team, as well as a way to dig into CSAT scores for issues and change time ranges for the report. 

More good can also elect to create custom CSAT reports! Some examples of custom reports you might generate are:

  • A trend graph of the average satisfaction rating for a specific period to view changes in service levels
  • Satisfaction scores based on the type of service request (this would identify issues for which the team could provide knowledge articles)
  • Satisfaction scores for an individual agent compared to team scores to help identify agents who would benefit from further training

For more information on generating custom reports, you can check out this great article by Atlassian.

Now that we've seen how to collect and report on CSAT in JSD, many folks may be wondering how to solicit feedback in Jira Software if they don't have Jira Service Desk. In the next installment, I plan to show you just that!