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cloud-1October is on the horizon, which means it’s time for Atlassian’s annual price increases. While it’s a common industry practice for SaaS providers to raise prices each year, we know this can create questions and concerns, especially as organizations look ahead and plan their 2025 budgets. 

We want you to know that the Isos Technology team is here to support customers through these changes. We offer multiple ways to help you understand and minimize the impact of price increases to your organization. 

What is changing?

New Atlassian Cloud pricing will go into effect on October 16, 2024. Every Atlassian customer will be impacted differently based on their footprint in the Atlassian tools. You can find detailed Cloud pricing information on Atlassian’s website here. A quick summary of changes include the following:

  • Jira Software and Confluence Cloud will increase by 5-10% depending on # of seats 
  • Jira Service Management will increase by 8-20% depending on # of seats
  • Atlassian Guard will increase by 5-8% depending on the # of seats
  • Assets objects and Virtual Service Agent assisted conversations will move to consumption-based pricing

How can Isos help?

We’re happy to meet with you individually to discuss your specific instance(s) and help you understand the impact of these pricing changes to your organization. Some of the ways we can support you include:

  • Renewal Rate Lock-In: If your renewal date is within 90 days after 10/16/2024, we can pull your renewal forward to lock in the current rates for this year and even discuss multi-year pricing to hedge against future price increases. 
  • License & Usage Audit: We can conduct an audit of your Atlassian tools to make sure you’re only paying for the licenses you actually use, and right-size your tools for your organization's needs and goals heading into next year.
  • Assets Audit: Assets objects will move to consumption-based pricing as part of these changes, which brings Jira Service Management into closer alignment with how other SaaS providers in the industry (including ServiceNow) price assets. We can help you understand how this change in pricing model will impact your organization, and any clean up you can do to only pay for what you need. 

What do I do now?

If you’re an Isos customer, please reach out to your account manager to schedule time to discuss these pricing changes and make sure you’re set up for success. If you’re not an Isos customer yet, feel free to contact us. We’d love to help you understand these changes and see how we can help!


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