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The Easiest Way to SSL Secure All Your Internal Jira Instances

As Atlassian consultants, we here at Isos Technology have a lot of visibility into how many large...

18 Sep, 2019

Fixing Oracle Sequences

When using Oracle for Atlassian applications, your sequences should stay up to date in normal...

12 Sep, 2019

Using Jupyter Notebooks to Access Jira

With Jira there are tons of ways to extract reporting data you need. From the project reports, to...

22 May, 2019

Complex Auto-Assigning with Automation for Jira

As many of you know by now, the power that Apps bring to us who are always looking to automate and...

21 May, 2019

Automating Issue Security with Automation for Jira

In the context of Issue Security, the Automation for Jira app/plugin/add-on provides three great...

3 May, 2019

Building a SAFe Issue Type Taxonomy

When undergoing a SAFe transformation, many organizations start with the familiar. This may include...

30 Apr, 2019

Jira Automation Report: 'Email Handled within 2 Days'

Sometimes, even with Advanced JQL in a Jira search, the data you need just isn't available. I...

2 Apr, 2019

Searching for Jira Issues Within a Date Range

Generally speaking, Jira has a powerful and flexible search engine that enables locating exactly...

4 Sep, 2018

Using Jira Resolution Field Descriptions: "Cancelled" and "Won't Do"

Guest Contributor: Larry Cummings

I’m frequently asked the question:

If a team wants to maintain...

25 Apr, 2018
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