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Untitled-315As any Jira administrator knows, managing custom fields is a balancing act. On one hand, custom fields can provide teams with the flexibility they need to track important data. Conversely, too many custom fields can clutter the system, making Jira harder to use and maintain which can impact overall performance. 

While there’s plenty of guidance on how to add and govern custom fields in Jira, what’s the best approach when you’re unsure about a field's long-term value? In this post, we’ll explore a practical strategy to handle custom field requests and maintain a clean and efficient Jira environment.

Best practices for managing custom fields

If you’re looking for a strong foundation in Jira custom field management, there are several valuable resources:

These are excellent guides to start with, but what should you do when you’re uncertain about a new field request?

Practical steps for when you're uncertain:

Custom field requests often come in with the best intentions, but it’s not always clear if the new field will be widely used or necessary. Here’s a step-by-step approach for handling such requests:

  1. Start With Labels or Components
    • When a team asks for a new custom field, suggest using a label or component instead. Both are flexible, built-in tools that allow users to track similar information across issues.
      • Advantage: Using labels or components first lets teams experiment with tracking their data without creating unnecessary fields.
      • Encourage Ownership: Have the requester promote the use of their label or component within their team to assess whether it addresses the need across the board.
  2. Evaluate Usage Patterns
    • Monitor how the label or component is being used over time. If multiple users or teams begin to create similar labels or components, it could indicate a broader need for a custom field.
      • Telltale Sign: If variations of a label (e.g., “Customer_Type_A,” “Customer_Type_B”) are emerging, that might signal it’s time to consider a standardized custom field for better reporting and tracking.
  3. Transition to a Custom Field
    • Once you’ve validated the need for broader use, transition from a label or component to a custom field. This provides a better structure and ensures consistency across projects.

Is it time to delete underutilized custom fields?

Unused or underutilized custom fields can pile up, causing clutter and affecting Jira’s performance. It’s essential to regularly review custom fields and remove those that no longer serve a purpose. Here’s an approach for handling this:

  1. Establish a Custom Field Usage Policy
    • Before starting any cleanup, establish a custom field usage policy to set expectations with users. This policy should define what counts as “underutilized” (e.g., fields used in fewer than ten issues over the last year) and communicate that such fields may be deleted.
      • Ensure that all users are aware of the policy and understand the importance of keeping Jira clean and organized.
  2. Communicate With Project Admins
    • Once you’ve identified underutilized fields, contact the project admins. Notify them that the field is under review and may be deleted. Give them a timeline—say 30 days—to respond if they wish to retain the data or transition it elsewhere.
  3. Back-Up the Data
    • If no objections are raised, back up the custom field data before deletion. There are several ways to do this:
      • Option 1: Use Jira automation to copy the field’s data into a label, issue description, or comment.
      • Option 2: Append the data to the team's existing field.
      • Option 3: Export the data to a CSV file for future reference.
  4. Bulk Update and Delete
    • Once the data is secured, use Jira’s bulk update feature to apply the necessary changes across all relevant issues. After this, the custom field can be safely deleted without losing valuable information.

Key takeaways 

Managing custom fields in Jira requires a thoughtful approach, balancing flexibility with maintaining system performance. By encouraging teams to start with labels or components, reviewing field usage regularly, and having a straightforward process for deleting underutilized fields, you can keep your Jira environment efficient and easy to use without compromising functionality. Need help optimizing your Jira setup? Contact us today to streamline your custom fields and enhance your team's productivity.

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