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canada-cloudWe have big news for Canadian Atlassian users! You can now specify that your in-scope, user-generated content and data like issues, tickets, and pages, can be stored in Canada. The change applies to Jira Software, Jira Work Management, Jira Service Management, Jira Product Discovery, and Confluence, and is available with Atlassian Cloud Standard, Premium, and Enterprise Plans.

Why It Matters

Companies that operate in regulated industries like finance, government, or healthcare are sometimes subject to compliance parameters that require them to store their data regionally. Other companies might have internal data residency requirements or agreements with certain customers, also requiring data to be stored regionally. For Canada specifically, this meant that many companies that were planning to switch to Atlassian Cloud have been delaying the migration process.

Since Atlassian is ending support for Server on February 15, 2024, any company that has been delaying migrating to Atlassian Cloud due to data residency restrictions can now make the move!


A Few Things to Know About Data Residency

  • Data residency options - Data residency is currently available for Jira Software, Jira Work Management, Jira Service Management, Jira Product Discovery, and Confluence (Cloud Standard, Premium, and Enterprise plans.) Bitbucket, Forge, and Connect apps are on the roadmap. You can currently pin data to the following regions: Australia, Canada, the EU, Germany, Singapore, and the U.S. Atlassian’s Cloud roadmap shows Brazil, India, Japan, South Korea, Switzerland, and the UK as coming soon.

  • “In-scope” data - Whether you can pin your data to a specific region depends on whether it is “in-scope” or not, and what data is and isn’t in-scope varies based on the Atlassian solution. The good news is that most relevant data can be pinned, and Atlassian provides a detailed chart outlining what data can and cannot be pinned by product. You can check it out here!

  • Data residency for Marketplace apps - Marketplace apps are owned by third-party vendors, and some offer data residency, while others do not. You’ll have to evaluate each app to determine whether data residency is an option. Keep in mind that Atlassian Cloud’s functionality is quite different from Server and Data Center, so your app profile will also be different and you may not need all the apps you are currently using.

If you have questions about data residency or are considering moving to Atlassian Cloud, we’re happy to help you sort through your options and determine what’s right for your company.



Learn more about Atlassian data residency and read the FAQ.

Explore in scope product data for each Atlassian solution.

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