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gartner-it-symposium-2024Isos Technology is making a splash at the Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo in Orlando, Florida this year, from October 21st through the 24th! Register now and check out our booth (#249) in Atlantic Hall, in the Infrastructure, Operations, and Cloud Strategies section to enter our raffle and win awesome prizes, like a voucher for an Xtreme Racecar Experience, a $500 Disney gift card, or a $100 American Express gift card! But the real prize? That’s discovering how Isos and Atlassian can partner with your organization to propel your business forward.

How can our experts help you?

At Isos, our consultants specialize in tackling the most challenging aspects of managing, scaling, and changing your organization. We can help you: 

  • Achieve operational excellence with our certified team of ITSM, Cloud, Agile, Atlassian, and AI consultants.

  • Jumpstart your business transformation by partnering with our enterprise agility experts to correct misalignment, drive organizational change, and help employees and customers thrive.

  • Implement Atlassian tools and best practices with help from our experienced Isos Federal team to secure mission-critical support and reduce risk.

Also in attendance? Our CEO and COO, Thad West and Alex Bingham! They’ll be at our booth and on the show floor, so keep an eye out for them and be sure to say hey. Here’s a word from Thad about the Gartner IT Symposium:


Stop by our booth to meet with us and learn how we can help your organization address key areas, like transformation, scaling, implementation, or migration. We want to transform the way organizations work, leading to better business outcomes and fostering a culture of innovation. Visit the Isos Technology booth to learn more about driving your business to new heights. 

Register Now!


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