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Untitled-1658This international data analytics and monitoring enterprise helps companies solve problems in complex digital infrastructures. Today, the company is relied on by many of the world’s largest organizations to keep their mission-critical systems secure and reliable.

The Challenge

This enterprise’s 20-plus teams in IT Services had not been provided specific guidance or training in determining their working practices, processes, and tools. Each team had different levels of maturity in terms of agile adoption and related practices and was using different day-to-day processes.  Their individual Jira projects were also configured in very different ways, and the enterprise’s IT Services teams had several multi-year roadmaps for “big bang” release projects, but the reliability of their go-live dates was questionable.

The Solution

Isos Technology’s approach entailed coaching around agile best practices at the department and team levels, as well as providing guidance on how to configure and use the Atlassian tools to facilitate these practices. Isos worked with the enterprise’s IT Services teams to develop a more focused delivery strategy, shifting the organization’s approach from long-term roadmaps with “big bang” releases to a more agile mindset of iterative deliveries providing incremental value.

The Results

  • Improved connection between strategy, priorities, and work - Standardizing all work into Jira has now provided the enterprise’s IT Services teams with a clear view of the work for each team. Roadmap timelines have been shortened, and are now connected to the actual capacity of Delivery Teams. 

  • A focused delivery strategy drives value - By shifting its release plan from multiple-quarter projects to shorter, iterative delivery increments, the enterprise’s IT Services teams have been able to respond faster to changing market demands, releasing new features and enhancements with shorter lead times.

  • Increased visibility into capacity supports informed decision making - With all teams capturing their work in Jira in the same way, the enterprise’s IT Services teams can better understand their capacity to deliver. Now, when priorities shift or roadblocks occur, the company can see the impact of these changes and make informed decisions about next steps.

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