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Here at Isos Technology, we have always had the option to work from home, only visiting the main office - or shared workspaces for remote employees - when we choose. Many of our coworkers already worked from home 100% of the time when COVID hit, and those of us who were new to it quickly developed deep respect for how they had been handling all its nuances - it's a delicate balance!

Now that things are changing, and the option to come into an office is again becoming viable, some of us are finding we've grown to enjoy the stay-at-home option and are choosing to join our coworkers who have been doing it all along. From my perspective, it's been quite a surprise to discover that working from home really works for me!

I will say that there has been a learning curve. Over the course of my remote work journey, I've discovered a few things that have really helped me manage my experience.

I think of these things as my internal "remote control" - pressing the right buttons on the remote helps me tune in to the right channel, or the ideal experience.

  • Press the On/Off Button: Be sure you have a clear time set for your work day, whatever that may be. Try to start and end your day on the schedule that works best for your type of work, and stick to those start and end times.
  • Change the Channel: Your days have many moving parts. Working from home can bring more new elements into your work day - partners, kids, and pets may now part of the mix. Try to be present in each moment. It helps to set realistic expectations.
  • Dial Up the Volume (or Dial It Down): Increase the intensity of your output when you can. That will give you the opportunity to bring it down a notch when you need to.
  • Press Mute: Turn off all of the distractions when you have a deadline. Emails and Slack can become noise when you need to focus.
  • Press Pause: Get up and move, get a drink of water, walk around, eat something when you need to - you can resume work after a short break.
  • Charge Your Batteries: Coffee! Or whatever keeps you fired up for the day.

One very important part of all of this is staying connected with each other. Isos Technology has made that a priority for us since day one. As employees, the support we have from our leadership team is unwavering, and it's only grown along with our company's growth during this unprecedented time. 

I love working for a company that wants us here, whatever "here" means to every member of the team!

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